Сколько стоит память? Отчет о расходах на парад 7 ноября и другие памятные военные даты
7 ноября в Москве прошел парад в честь парада 7 ноября 1941 года. Напомним, что парад 7 ноября 2015 г. проводится в память о параде 7 ноября 1941 г. Впервые после распада СССР этот мемориальный парад прошел в прошлом году. До того он также проводился в юбилейном 1966 г. (25-я годовщина).
Government contracting with higher education institutions
Government contracting with nonprofit organizations in 2014
All government contracting amount dynamics
Government contracting amount dynamics by procedure
Insurance company ratings by their share in government contracting
Bank ratings by the revenue from government contracting
Medication procurement from pharmaceutical companies in Russia
Cohesion ratings of government contracting parties in 2013
Federal subject autonomy ratings
Higher education institution ratings by economic freedom index
Auditor ratings
Assessment of the scope and size of the state order for abuse
State order placement in Republic of Crimea
Largest Internet providers
RAS organization rating
Сколько стоит мост построить? Керченский и другие мосты
Analytical findings:
Open data as a tool of civil and expert control over state purchasing
The assessment of access limitation in government contracting
The evaluation of harm done by tender information distortions
More than 70 percent of state contracts worth of billions are concluded through gray schemes
Contract-based state purchasing
Isn't it the appropriate time for a real reform in government contracting?
The new government contracting law will be little better than the old one. Expert opinions
Limitation of competition through concealment and distortion of information
The transparency of government procurement in Russia does not ensure the credibility of publications